From Chania airport to Aptera

Price and info for Chania airport to Aptera

Services info and prices

  • The price from Chania airport to Aptera is
    40,00 €
  • The trip is about 25 minutes depending on the traffic.
  • The price is for a taxi (1 -4) persons and a one-way trip.

Taxi (1-4 PAX)

40,00 €

Mini Bus (5-8 PAX)

60,00 €

Mini Bus (8-15 PAX)

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Map and duration From Chania Airport to Aptera

Value for money

Value for money is one of the top priorities for any traveller, and at Chania Taxi we are well aware of that fact. Working in the tourism industry for more than 25 years and having seen how other establishments run their businesses, we know how common it is among businesses to try and make that small, extra profit out of customers. We also know, with utmost certainty, that this is a non-beneficial strategy in the long run. Our goal is to offer services that surpass our client’s expectations in terms of service as well as in terms of value-for-money. This is how we have built a trustworthy establishment and every year enjoy the employment of countless returning visitors – many of which have actually become our friends.